Members only-[19 - 20 Oct 2022] Seminar on European Playground Equipment, Fitness Equipment and Surfacing Safety Standard (EN1176/ EN1177 and EN1663)

Seminar on European Playground Equipment,
Fitness Equipment and Surfacing Safety Standard (EN1176/ EN1177 and EN16630)


In view of the trend that more innovative play spaces are established in Hong Kong, there is vital to acquire knowledge for enhancing playground safety and adopt the up-to-date safety standard such as EN1176 Playground equipment standard. Anne Marden Playright Academy (AMPA) is going to organize an online seminar, and invite the Manager Director /Head of Play Safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Mr. David Yearley, to introduce the interpretation of EN1176/EN1177/EN16630 and share the insight into changes in the standard.

This seminar is a refresher on the interpretation of EN1176/ EN117/ EN16630 and also provides insight into the changes in the standard.

- History of British and European standards
- Legal Background to the standard
- Introduction to EN16630 fitness equipment
- Interpretation of the standard
- Standards update
- Scope of EN1176
- Common Interpretation problems
- Individual problems with interpretation
- Introduction to EN16630 fitness equipment

CPD Accreditation
- The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
- The Hong Kong Institute of Architects


Mr David Yearley
Managing Director / Head of Play Safety at RoSPA
Playsafety Ltd and Owner, Playground Management Ltd Register of Play Inspectors International (RPII) - Vice Chairman
British Standards Institution (BSI) committee Member

David is Head of Play Safety for RoSPA. In this role he manages a UK and Ireland wide team of playground safety inspectors, conducting tens of thousands of inspections each year. He is a member of the British Standards Institution committee with responsibility for the development of British Standards for playground equipment, skate parks, multi-use games areas and other recreations facilities. David is a Board member of the Register of Play Inspectors International, which is the professional membership organization for playground inspectors. For 14 years, David was a Board member of the International Play Association: Promoting the Child’s Right to Play. This UNESCO-recognized NGO has been fundamental in ensuring the child’s right to play is enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and for its continued protection, promotion and preservation.

Course code:

PE 020-003-2210

Date and Time:

19 & 20 October 2022 (Wednesday and Thursday)
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Online (ZOOM)


  • Parks & recreation administrators
  • Government parties
  • Architects, landscape designers, engineers
  • Risk or safety managers, facilities managers & maintenance works officers
  • Playground equipment manufacturers and installers
  • Operators and caretakers of playgrounds in parks, schools, hotels, resorts, and campsites
  • NGOs and residential complexes


Members of HKIA / HKILA
HKD $200 per person

Original fee
HKD $350 per person




“Certificate of Attainment” issued by RoSPA

Enrollment Method:  

  • Click the 「Online Enrollment」 button at the bottom of this page and follow the instructions to complete the enrollment progress.
  • Seats are limited. First come, first served.
  • Successful applicants will receive a Confirmation Email. (Please check the junk mailbox as the email may be recognised as junk mail by your email service provider).
  • If you do not receive the Confirmation Email after 1 working day, please email us at as soon as possible.

Playright Children's Play Association retains all final decision of the course arrangement.

Enquiry: 3664 7988 / 2898 2922   Email:

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